In September 2009, we premiered our first talk show, NEW GENERATION, which we hosted and produced together. It broadcast weekly on International Christian Family Network, Inc. and on Worship on the Way Radio Network. Our mission for New Generation was to inspire our generation to be on fire, passionate, and in love with Jesus ChrisT. We held candid and in-depth interviews with individuals of different ages, purpose, and talents who were making a positive impact on this world. From evangelists and humanitarians to authors, actors, and musicians, to the every-day person with a life-changing testimony, we gave our guests the platform to share how the Lord was moving in their lives. Lessons were learned, wisdom was imparted, and, most importantly, the Gospel was shared. In Fall 2016, we decided to rebrand New Generation to our new talk show, THE ELENA & NATALIA SHOW, which premiered in April 2017 and currently broadcasts on local and international TV networks.